Missions Team Meeting

SWCC Southern Wells Community Church, Poneto, IN, United States

Help us promote the love of Christ close to home & abroad. All are welcome.

Wednesday Nights

SWCC Southern Wells Community Church, Poneto, IN, United States

There is something for everyone. SWCC Kids Class (Prek-5th grade) Regenerate Class (6th-12th grade) Adult Bible Study

Young Adults

The location will alternate between the Tucker’s house and the Stauffer's home . If you have questions text or call Tricia at 765-348-9192 or Katie at 260-273-3424  

Jr & Sr High Youth Groups

The Johnson's Barn 6772 S 200 E, Bluffton, Indiana

Jr High (5TH-8TH grade) at the Perry's Home. Sr High (9th-12th grade) at the Johnson's Barn.

Wednesday Nights

SWCC Southern Wells Community Church, Poneto, IN, United States

There is something for everyone. SWCC Kids Class (Prek-5th grade) Regenerate Class (6th-12th grade) Adult Bible Study

Jr & Sr High Youth Groups

The Johnson's Barn 6772 S 200 E, Bluffton, Indiana

Jr High (5TH-8TH grade) at the Perry's Home. Sr High (9th-12th grade) at the Johnson's Barn.

Wednesday Nights

SWCC Southern Wells Community Church, Poneto, IN, United States

There is something for everyone. SWCC Kids Class (Prek-5th grade) Regenerate Class (6th-12th grade) Adult Bible Study

Jr & Sr High Youth Groups

The Johnson's Barn 6772 S 200 E, Bluffton, Indiana

Jr High (5TH-8TH grade) at the Perry's Home. Sr High (9th-12th grade) at the Johnson's Barn.

Wednesday Nights

SWCC Southern Wells Community Church, Poneto, IN, United States

There is something for everyone. SWCC Kids Class (Prek-5th grade) Regenerate Class (6th-12th grade) Adult Bible Study

Beyond These Walls

SWCC Southern Wells Community Church, Poneto, IN, United States

Discuss & implement outreach opportunities in our local community. All are welcome.

Jr & Sr High Youth Groups

The Johnson's Barn 6772 S 200 E, Bluffton, Indiana

Jr High (5TH-8TH grade) at the Perry's Home. Sr High (9th-12th grade) at the Johnson's Barn.

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